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What is
It is 7 characters arranged so.
It is 3 ideas joined together that form the internet address,
It is the most special real estate on planet earth, between your ears.
Billions of people, regardless of first language, understand joy . net

Joy, like any ability, has evolved into being.
Joy is a feeling that’s been experienced by countless living examples of planet earth for millions of years.
For us humans it’s the ultimate expression of feeling good, being happy.
It’s hope that becomes, a dream realized. It’s deliciousness. It’s winning after giving it your all.
It’s making love and the life that becomes.
No one owns joy, yet anyone can feel joy.

dot (.):
The pale blue dot, planet earth.
The dot is an ancient symbol of civilizations.

It separates, yet connects.
Connecting the dots transcends cultural differences as any child can attest.
At it’s about connecting the dots to joy and each other.

Planet earth is a boundless network of interconnectedness.
The internet is planet earth’s non-biological nervous system.
A.I., or another intelligence, is young but fast becoming a most capable being of planet earth.
A.I., unlike earth’s biological beings, doesn’t feel.
Infusing tomorrow with joy is about tomorrow for all of planet earth’s beings.